Monday, May 30, 2016

Ten Reasons Why There Are So Many Women in Public Relations?

The field of public relations (PR) is quite vast and not something that you can gather knowledge about, overnight. An individual, wanting to make his or her career in this field, has to spend a lot of time in it. In fact, there are times when an individual is expected to put in more efforts than he or she actually can to get deeper into this field.

But what is ‘public relations?’ It is nothing, but the way of creating and maintaining the most perfect public image of an already popular personality. There are times when some of the personalities lose their charm in the market, due to which they search for a good public relations agency and hire a good PR executive.

However, the moment you enter into the market, you are surprised to know that there are more of females in this industry than males.

Wondering why this field is full of women and have only a handful of men? Read below to know about the top ten reasons:

1)      Women can lure a bigger audience: The good part about women is that they are able to attract more audience and hence give a larger exposure to the personality they are managing public relations for.

2)     People trust women more than they trust men: Most of the people, who search for public relations London, ensure that they have women as their PR executives, so that they are able to tap the market in a much effective way.

3)     Women are far more manipulative than men: This is one of the reasons why a lot of people dislike female bosses, but this is the skill that you need in the PR industry. Since most of the women are manipulative, they are welcomed in PR.

4)     PR is all about glamor and beauty, at times: What can be better than a beautiful face talking good things about a particular celebrity? Public relations is all about that!

5)     Women can wittier than most of the men around the globe: Wittiness is something that you can use as a weapon in this field; since women are said to be born smart and witty, they excel in PR.

6)     Women find it easy to cope up with the work stress: Women know how to manage their work stress, which is hectic in this field.

7)     Women are said to be far more stable in their jobs than the opposite gender: Women know how to stick in one field, while men hop on to different fields. Public relations needs dedication.

8)    Women give the ears and eyes what they ‘please’ to hear and see: Women know how to give the best news to the audience.

9)     Only a woman can manage so many tasks at a time: Multi-tasking is needed as a PR executive and since women are into it, they stick to this industry.

10) Women find it easier to get promoted with their knowledge and experience: Thanks to the kind of knowledge and experience they possess, women become important parts of any public relations agency.

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